"On the threshold of the third millennium, a Christian cannot ignore
the special role of science in the transformation of contemporary
civilization.... In a lucid, compelling way, Science and Belief in the
Nuclear Age describes our responsibility for this intellectual heritage
that is so essential for Christian tradition. Hodgson, without claiming
science should become religion or religion science, convincingly
describes an academic community of intellectual interchange that
replaces former conflicts and partial perspectives by a new integral
vision of science open to theological truth."
Peter Hodgson has lectured on and tutored physics and mathematics in the
University of Oxford for forty years, and has been engaged on research
in experimental and Theoretical nuclear physics for over fifty years. He
was a member of the Council of Atomic Scientists’ Association from
1952-1959 and edited its journal from 1953-1955. He has written about
sixteen books and three hundred research papers and is a Fellow of
Corpus Christi College and the Institute of Physics. He is the President
of the Science Secretariat of Pax Romana, and recently served as a
consultant to the Pontifical Consilium for Cultures.