Science & Religion. Evolution or Creation. Atheism & Science. God and Humanism. Science and Faith. New Atheism
Fernando Sols
Fernando Sols is Professor of Physics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, since 2004. Licenciado en Física, Universidad de Barcelona (1981). Doctor en Física, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1985). Fulbright Fellow and Research Associate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1986-1990). Associate Professor of Physics, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1990-2004). First National Award for Undergraduate Achievements (1982). He has been director of the Instituto Nicolás Cabrera, UAM (2001-2004) and currently is Director of the Department of Physics of Materials since 2010. Editorial Board Member, New Journal of Physics (IOP-DPG). Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK). He conducts research on theoretical physics problems related to the dynamics and transport of electrons and cold atoms, as well as to macroscopic quantum phenomena.