In just a half century, humanity has made an astounding leap in its
understanding of life. Now, one of the giants of biological science,
Christian de Duve, discusses what we've learned in this half century,
ranging from the tiniest cells to the future of our species and of life
With wide-ranging erudition, de Duve takes us on a
dazzling tour of the biological world, beginning with the invisible
workings of the cell, the area in which he won his Nobel Prize. He
describes how the first cells may have arisen and suggests that they may
have been like the organisms that exist
today near deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Contrary to many other
scientists, he argues that life was bound to arise and that it probably
only took millennia —maybe tens of thousands of years— to move from
rough building blocks to the first organisms possessing the basic
properties of life. With equal authority, De Duve examines topics such
as the evolution of humans, the origins of consciousness, the
development of language, the birth of science, and the origin of
emotion, morality, altruism, and love. He concludes with his conjectures
on the future of humanity —for instance, we may evolve, perhaps via
genetic engineering, into a new species— he shares his personal
thoughts about God and immortality.
In Life Evolving, one
of our most eminent scientists sums up
what he has learned about the nature of life and our place in the
universe. An extraordinarily wise and humane volume, it will fascinate
readers curious about the world around them and about the impact of
science on philosophy and religion.